
Responsible for Contents According to § 6 MDStV:

Prof. Dr. Martin Tröndle
WÜRTH Chair of Cultural Production
Zeppelin Universität
Fallenbrunnnen 3
88045 Friedrichshafen

Design and Website Development

Design and Programming: Leaky Studio


Future of the Concert has compiled and checked all of the provided information in its domain to the best of its ability. However, no guarantee can be assumed with regard to topicality, correctness, completeness or quality, as well as the continual availability of the provided information. Future of the Concert and its public employees are not liable for damages that may result from the use or disuse of the provided information in the context of the Internet offerings of Future of the Concert. The liability according to § 839 BGB (German Civil Code) will remain unaffected.

There shall be no liability for any damage that may as a result of computer viruses through the accessing or downloading of data, or through the installation or use of software. Future of the Concert reserves the right to alter, supplement or delete individual website pages or their entire offerings without prior notice or to partially or totally discontinue the presented information.

Links and References

Future of the Concert is only responsible for its own contents, which it has prepared for use. The individual contents are to distinguish from links to websites of other providers. Future of the Concert coordinates here solely the access to information. For illegal, faulty or incomplete contents and damages resulting from the use or disuse of third party information, the respective provider alone is responsible.